2025 Monday Morning Men’s League
$90 league fee–league fee must be paid before start of formal play in April.
Green fee Rate for Non-River Glen Members: $48 with cart.
2-man team format(exception; the special FOUR-MAN TEAM EVENTS).
Tee times will be every 8 minutes from 7:44am until 8:32am.
Date of Event Event Description
April 21 Opening Day Meeting/Donuts 8:30am, make your own tee times (no prizes).
28 4 man team BB event
May 5 Spring 2-man team event #1
12 Spring 2-man team event #2
19 Spring 2-man team event #3
June 2 Spring 2-man team event #4
9 Spring 2-man team event #5(Finale)
16 Summer 2-man team event #1
23 Summer 2-man team event #2
30 Summer 2-man team event #3
July 7 Summer 2-man team event #4
14 Summer 2-man team event #5 (Finale)
11 Autumn 2-man team event #1
18 Autumn 2-man team event #2
25 Autumn 2-man team event #3
8 Autumn 2-man team event #4
15 Autumn 2-man team event #5(Finale)
22 4 man team BB Event
29 Ryder Cup
River Glen Guys 2025 Humpday League
Superb Course Conditions, a Social Atmosphere & THE OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE RG SUMMER TOURNAMENT SERIES= Another scintillating Humpday season!!!
Open to public, “ALL YOU CAN PLAY” golf league focusing on fun and relaxation! You’ve finished more than half the workweek, now it’s time to take a break!! Tee times will be available from 4:00-6:00pm on Tuesday/Wednesday evenings. League participants will be paired up into two-man teams. Each week, two man teams will compete against the entire field of two man teams. Players will be handicapped using scores from league play. Scoring and handicapping are calculated on the www.golfleagueguru.com website or Golf League Guru mobile app.
Competition Rules:
1. Participants may choose their teammate at the beginning of the season, and/or individual players will be paired up with a playing partner.
2. League Play counts only 9-holes, but participants can play additional holes for enjoyment.
3. Monthly special events will be incorporated with golf, further details can be acquired in the pro shop.
Initial League Fee: $98(Fee for prizes, food & drink, scoring etc.)
Weekly Golfing Fees: $42.00 (All you can play with cart)
Continuing in 2025, Earlybird Time: Unlimited play from 2pm-4pm prior to official league tee time for an additional $16.
For more information, or to sign-up for play on Tuesday, March 25th or Wednesday, March 26th, contact Scott Casey via phone @ 317-849-8274 or via email @ scasey@riverglencc.com
Humpday League 2025 Schedule of Events
— Prelim. play will consist of Tee-time starts March 25/26 & April 1/2, 8/9.
Date of Event Event # Teetime/Shotgun Special Events
Apr 15/16 K1 Tee times(4-6pm) Kickoff Event.
PGA Session
April 22/23 P1 Tee times(4-6pm) Low Indiv.: Gross/Net
April 29/30 P2 Tee times(4-6pm) Low Team: Gross/Net
May 6/7 P3 Tee times(4-6pm) Mega-Skins
May 13/14 P4 Tee times(4-6pm) PGA Championship, Final Week
US Open Session
May 20/21 US1 Tues 5:30 shot/Wed(4-6pm) First/Tenth Tee Chipping
May 27/28 US2 Tee times(4-6pm) Low Team Score
June 3/4 US3 Tues(4-6pm)/Wed 5:30 shot Mega-Skins
June 10/11 US4 Tee times(4-6pm) US Open, Final Week
British Open Session
June 17/18 B1 Tee times(4-6pm) Mystery Contest
June 24/25 B2 Tee times(4-6pm) Better than Birdie Bonanza
July 1/2 B3 Tee times(4-6pm) Practice Green Putting Contest
July 8/9 B4 Tee times(4-6pm) Mega-Skins
July 15/16 B5 Tee times(4-6pm) British Open, Final Week
Individual Stroke Play Tourney—Net & Gross
July 22/23 I1 Tee times(4-6pm) 1st Round
July 29/30 I2 Tee times(4-6pm) 2nd Round
August 5/6 I3 Tee times(4-6pm) Final, Post Round Accolades
Year End Humpday Team Championship
August 12/13 T1 5:30 shotgun Round Robin
August 19/20 T2 5:30 shotgun Round Robin
August 26/27 T3 5:30 shotgun Round Robin
September 2/3 T4 5:30 shotgun Round Robin
September 9/10 T5 5:30 shotgun Round Robin
September 16/17 T6 5:15 shotgun Round Robin
September 23/24 T7 5:15 shotgun Round Robin
Sept. 30/Oct. 1 T8 5:15 shotgun Round Robin
October 7/8 T9 5:15 shotgun Round Robin
October 9 CP Thurs. 7pm Banq. Room Chili Party/Wildcard Draw
October 15 F1 3pm-5pm tee times Grand Finale